Slain in the Spirit, Part 2 by Pam Sheppard

31 Jan

In ‘Slain in the Spirit, Part 1,’ I went into detail of what happens when one is slain in the spirit and how it lines up-or does not line up-with the scripture.

We talked about how one is actually in a ‘trance’ when slain in the Spirit and can open themselves to the demonic.  

The following is an article written by Pam Sheppard that further explains WHY the ENEMY is wanting more and more people to take part of this ‘slain in the spirit’ phenomena.



Among my faithful Facebook friends is a cadre of serious believers who continually share YouTube video clips, blogtalkradio programs, and various articles that dramatically portray how the enemy has infiltrated the Christian community with a variety of occult, even blasphemous doctrines and practices.  To name but a few, the list is long: the Joel’s Army movement is at the top of the list because it encompasses It ALL!!

Then there is  yoga, the kundalini spirit, TM, people running around the church  looking like they are literally on fire, alien encounters, astral travel, slain in the spirit, the laughter and dancing movements, (I refuse to call them ‘holy’), tongue prayer languages,—the list seems almost endless. In fact, even  charismatic sermonizing has caused people to become hysterical, breaking loose in church aisles, appearing to have lost their minds.

Yet, there are even stranger things going  on that are a lot less public.  As an example, in my Christian telephone counseling practice of 10 years, I have come in contact with Christians from around the world  who are constantly “hearing voices” yet they are not mentally ill.  In 10 years, I have been in contact with lots of churchgoers.  Among them are people who thought that they were saved, but after careful consideration, they ultimately admitted that they were not—yet—they  had spoken  in tongues and had often submitted themselves to falling slain in the spirit in various charismatic churches.

Ministers laid  hands on  many of them to receive what is colloquially known as “an impartation.” When they began to be tormented in one way or the other, most of them sought help from deliverance ministries, yet their condition worsened.  In fact, 75% of  my Christian client contacts  were hearing voices when they telephoned me for help—all of them were active and faithful church members. Some of them I could help, some of them, I could not, for one reason or another.

One thing that all of these strange happenings have in common is the altered state of consciousness, better known as “the trance.”  With that ONE common denominator, I decided to “investigate” by examining a plethora of occult websites, to see what devils and demons  were openly revealing to their faithful followers.  In other words, “I spied out the land.”  I figured that even though Satan and his troops lie to their followers, they might reveal something to them  that they persevere to hide from true followers of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.  Believe me, it was a disgusting and dangerous assignment , so I do not recommend others do what I did.  The blasphemy against the Lord is horrendous and those who are weak in faith might be victimized, even indoctrinated.

As a result of a year’s work, I believe that I have uncovered Satan’s overall agenda which ties into why the altered state of consciousness—the trance– plays such  a pivotal role in bringing about what the Anti-Christ intends  to do.  I have written about this subject in 4 of my 7 books:  Faces of the Religious Demon, the Fake Jesus, Come Out of Her God’s People, and the New Idolatry.  However, if you are not into Christian non-fiction, then here it is in a nutshell:
The devils and demons have told their followers that “the World Master” plans to introduce himself to all mankind through what appears to be telepathic communication.  Therefore, these spirit entities have been feverishly working in our times to cause people to be able to enter into a trance–an ASC—so that the voice of the Anti-Christ can be heard.
With occult followers, it is an easy thing to do because they willingly put themselves into trances by meditation, yoga, chanting, channeling, astral travel, drugs, etc. With the people in the world, they enter into trances through sex, drugs, movies, etc.   So the enemy had to devise ways to open doorways in Christians so that “we too will be able to hear the voice of the Anti-Christ.”  Satan is seeking for mankind to lose themselves in an altered state of consciousness so as to provide an open doorway for demons to “walk in” when the time is right.

What I learned on the occult websites is that the Anti-Christ is going to attempt to  pull a global stunt  where EVERYONE hears the voice of a stranger, saying the exact same thing at the exact same time.  In this way, the son of perdition intends to prove “that he is God” because he will appear to be both omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent–manifesting the qualities of God Almighty.  However, the only ones who will be able to hear his voice, will be those who have been opened to “the trance.”

I was once, one of those people.  In the 70’s, I was a psychic medium.  An opened door to it ALL OF IT.  Once I got saved on March 29,1977, all occult doorways were shut down.  However, in 1982,  I reopened them by heeding to the doctrines and the practices of the charismatic movement.  For 25 years, I heard from religious demons, mostly in dreams and sometimes audibly, believing that I was hearing from the Holy Ghost.  When the Lord opened my blind eyes to the truth, I shut down ALL of it: tongues, slain in the spirit, the laughter, the travail in the spirit—I MEAN ALL OF IT.   I put up a spiritual blockade over my mind at night,  that protects me from remembering what demons try to tell me in dreams.  When God speaks to me now, I don’t feel ANYTHING. I simply “know things.”  After a day or so I realize, “Oh, the Holy Ghost was here.  Imagine that!”
Why fallen angels and evil spirits need the  altered state and Satan’s end time agenda is laid out in  the book, Come Out of Her, God’s People,”

Here is a brief excerpt:

Fallen angels stand by, patiently watching and waiting for their churchgoing prey to allow themselves to be induced into an altered state of consciousness by “any means necessary.” One they spot an opening, the religious angels seize the opportunity.  The most classic example is that of Alice Bailey, the infamous founder of present day occultism.  A churchgoing woman, Bailey is actually the founder of what is known today as “the occult.”  Most startling is that Alice Bailey began as a Sunday School Teacher in a Presbyterian church (see how this former Sunday School teacher helped to promote the introduction to the New World Order).

 for the eb00k, click here
soft cover


A self-proclaimed pagan describes the difference between a trance and meditation in Trance and Ecstasy.  He states that BOTH are paganistic in nature and practice!


Are you a minister conducting services and people are getting slain in the Spirit?  Do you need to step back and do self examination to find out if you’re in the will of God or not?  Get a copy of ‘The Makings of a False Prophet’ today!

3 Responses to “Slain in the Spirit, Part 2 by Pam Sheppard”

  1. pastorps911 November 11, 2017 at 12:11 pm #

    Thanks goes to you for your comment. It will help others who read it.


  2. Janai Macklin (@JanaiMacklin) March 1, 2012 at 10:50 am #

    Its amazing how God will send the right info at the right time! I thank God for your wisdom on these important subjects


    • Pam Sheppard Publishing March 1, 2012 at 2:18 pm #

      I thank God for allowing one special person to express appreciation for the work I do. Thank you very much!


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